Sunday 14 July 2013

The Witty opening of the Brit school

Mark Featherstone-Witty wanted to create first free performing arts school. During period of Conservative and Thatcher rule this dream appeared faded as Thatcher made it clear that she didn't want to fund for unemployed actors, therefore the idea was put to rest. Nevertheless, Featherstone was still determined for his plan to be achieved and therefore got connected with George Martin, Richard Branson and the BPI; umbrella company that own the music industry. Featherstone was told that he had to raise £10 million at the Knebworth concert to fund for the building and opening of the school. People such as Eric Clapton performed at the concert. Featherstone wanted the school to be opened in a deprived area thus to ensure that students of all social backgrounds would feel comfortable joining the school. The school opened in 1991; a year later than scheduled. The first students had to wear yellow building hats around the school. The Brit school introduced the first 5 term plan and also created an anti-uniform reputation.

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